Daily Bulletin
Central Lee Middle School Bulletin for Friday, March 28, 2025
Impulse Dance Team
*8th grade Tryouts*
Practice is Tuesday, April 1st from 3:30-5:30 in the old HS gym
Tryouts are Wednesday, April 2nd from 3:30-5:30 in the old HS gym
YEARBOOKS Yearbook sales are now open! $17.00 a book. A link went home through a smore to order online. Please bring cash or check to the office if wanting to pay in person. Checks made payable to Central Lee Middle School. Yearbook Ordering Information You may order yearbooks online at: INTER-STATE.COM/ORDER Order Code: 91917Q Online Orders Due By: Friday, April 04, 2025 or... If you would like to order with cash or check, have your student pick up an order form at the K-8 office. Orders and money will be due Friday, April 4, 2025 to the K-8 office.
Candy Bar Sales... Just a reminder that this is the last week for Candy Bar Sales. ALL the money earned goes back to you for activities and fun stuff!!!! You need to bring $60 for each box or have your parent contact the office that it's okay for you to take a box home :) For prizes you can earn, see the flyers posted around the building! You cannot sell candy bars during class time!! Money is due on Monday, March 31st :) Keep selling!!
SOCCER Soccer is starting today after school. Parent meeting Tuesday, March 24th @ 5:00pm
State Science Fair participants A couple of things: 1. Make sure to bring your board/poster in Mrs. Myhre's room today or tomorrow. 2. Please check your email and read the announcements I put in the Science Fair Google classroom. I need seminar presentations finished and shared today! Snacks and drinks for State will go on the far counter in my room.